Small Business Grant Programs

CEF works with different partners to evaluate and distribute grant dollars for various programs.

Small Business Grant Programs

Small Business Grant Assistance Programs

CEF does not offer any grants, but CEF helps administer several grant assistance programs for small businesses across Colorado.  As cities, counties, and other partners look to create new grant programs to help small businesses, we work diligently to facilitate those programs and make them available to you.  

One source to look for grants or funding is the Colorado Office of Economic Development & International Trade (OEDIT)

Boulder County Small Business Grant/Changing Economic Environment Program (2024)  

A program implementing a $225,000 one-time competitive grant opportunity supporting small businesses in Unincorporated Boulder County impacted by the costs (including labor costs) of doing business in the County's rapidly changing economic environment. This is now closed.


Past Grant Programs

Boulder ARPA Small Business Grant Program

CEF helped to administer this grant program, providing more than $500K in grant dollars to City of Boulder small businesses negatively impacted by the pandemic.

Marshall Fire Small Business Grants Program (2023)

CEF helped to administer 20 grants with this grant program, providing $400K in grant dollars to Boulder County small businesses impacted by the Marshall Fire.

El Paso County Regional Small Business Relief Fund

CEF helped to administer two rounds of this grant program, providing more than $24 million in grant dollars to El Paso County small businesses and nonprofits.

Disproportionately Impacted Business (DIB) Relief Program

CEF helped administer two rounds of applications, providing $1.8 million in program dollars.  


Boulder County Small Business
Grant Program

This grant program, awarded $1.9 million dollars in needed  financial assistance to certain Boulder County small businesses. 

Pikes Peak Small Business COVID-19 Relief Program

Over $1.2 million grant dollars were awarded to certain El Paso County small businesses considered to be especially hard-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Energize Colorado Gap Fund

CEF was a participating lender for this statewide grant and loan program for Colorado small businesses. Through this program, over $10 million dollars were awarded to businesses with fewer than 25 full-time employees.