CEF customers can view their loan information in our Customer Portal!
All new customers should receive instructions on how to set up an account. This will arrive on a statment a few weeks prior to your first payment. If you do not, please contact our servicing department.
To access the portal, you need an account that requires an email address and password. Once you create an account, CEF will be notified to validate your account. After CEF validates the account, you will be ready to go.
Use the CEF Customer Portal to access your loan information 24/7!
"How to" Instructions are available at the help center.
Note on loan payoff statement:
** There may be additional fees associated with your loan payoff. The statement downloaded will serve as a general amount. You should contact CEF servicing department for a complete payoff statement.
Note on additional payment:
If you make an additional payment to your loan, your bank statement will likely reflect a payment to DownHome Solutions (our loan servicing software) rather than Colorado Enterprise Fund. Depending on your bank, it can also take up to 7 days for the additional payment to clear and then be credited to your loan balance.
Businesses can have multiple bank accounts, so you must enter the information for an additional payment even if it is the same account you utilize for your monthly payment. If you make an additional payment to your loan, your bank statement will likely reflect a payment to DownHome Solutions (our loan servicing software) rather than Colorado Enterprise Fund.
CEF runs payments on the 1st and 15th of each month. If the 1st or 15th falls on a weekend or on a holiday, the transaction will occur the next business day. If you are trying to make an additional payment, CEF will be notified when a request is made and will submit it to the bank by the next business day.