Small Business Spotlight: Lighthouse Early Care and Education

"Since I've received funding, I've been able to sustain by operating my costs, purchasing supplies and materials, and paying off credit card debt."
– Jackie Lujan, Owner
CO Springs, CO | Woman & Minority-Owned Child Care Services Business
Owner: Jackie Lujan

Q&A with Owner, Jackie Lujan

Give a high level overview of your business. What products or services you offer, where you're located, etc.
We offer high quality child care for children ages 2 to 12 years old, located in the Southeast community of Colorado Springs. I've been in business for almost 2 years and recently partnered with Pikes Peak United Way in offering child care within their new, Family Success Center. We continue to build and strengthen partnerships with local organizations to expand child care services and ensure that high-quality child care is accessible to more families in the community, particularly in child care deserts.

How did the idea for your business come about?
As my journey began, my husband and I started making major faith moves, I like to call them. We sold our home and became investors in early childhood education.

What neighborhood is your business located in and what do you love about that location?
We recently moved to our 2nd location in the Southeast community of Colorado Springs. What I love about our new center is the collaboration we have established with United Way in offering more child care slots in an area that is within a child care desert.

What led your business to seek out new/additional funding
At this time, my business consultant, Heather McBroom advised me of the tranforming safety grant that would be available for my business since I was located in 80910. I took a leap of faith and applied and thankful I was able to secure the funding we needed for operational costs.

How did you find out about CEF?
I actually attempted to secure funding from CEF from a previous collegue of mine that was a loan officer. As she spoke such great things about the organization, she expressed the positive impact you all have had on so many small businesses. So, I figured I'd give it a shot.

What was your experience like in working with CEF?
I started working with Business Navigator, Kristen McCarty, and Rob Burgan, who helped me start with program parameters and gave me more information about the Transforming Safety Grant. They both were amazing!

What were you able to do with the funding you received from CEF?
Since I've received funding, I've been able to sustain by operating my costs, purchase supplies and materials and pay off credit card debt.

What advice would you give to another small business owner going through the loan process?
I would have to say that it does take a lot more effort on our end as a business owner to lock in a loan, but it is completely worth it in the end. Hard work pays off and you're investing your time to sustain your business and help it grow.

Have you worked with our Business Navigation (coaching) team?

What difference has working with them made for your business?

A ton of difference! Without Kristin, I wouldn't have been able to complete my projections adequately and made it to the closing process. She also brought a lot of great ideas to the table about what other services I could begin offering in my program to help generating additional income. Her insight made me think outside the box.

What is something you're looking forward to in the next 3-6 months in your business?
I'm looking forward to supporting my community partners in offering drop-in child for the families they serve. This is what community partnership is all about!



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